The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) defines sustainable tourism as tourism that “meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future.” Further, it states that “the objective of sustainable tourism is to retain the economic and social advantages of tourism development while reducing or mitigating any undesirable impacts on the natural, historic, cultural or social environment.”

While many tourism destinations and stakeholders understand the importance of working towards sustainability, they often lack a clear strategy that is integrated and aligned with their other goals and objectives. 

A BC resource exists with GreenStep Solutions which has developed an evidence-based and data-driven approach that builds upon best practices for tourism destination sustainability, that aligns with existing strategies, legislation, and policy at the regional and provincial levels. Tourism businesses can access information at both the free and paid levels.


The BCTSN offers meaningful, one-on-one support and resources to all tourism operators, regardless of their prior experience. We help businesses define a clear roadmap to integrating sustainability in their operations, strategy, and storytelling. Check the website for more information.

Further, the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association has sustainable programs and resources for businesses as well. 


Take the FREE Sustainability Tourism Score

Your free Sustainability Score will let you work through the GreenStep Sustainable Tourism criteria to get an idea of where your tourism business or destination is doing well, and where you have room for improvement.

Take the Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge

Download Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge Guide

Sustainable Tourism Assessments for Businesses

GreenStep provides meaningful options for measuring sustainability performance, identifying gaps, setting goals, creating action plans, and accessing support.

Sustainable Tourism Certification for Businesses

Sustainable Tourism helps you recognize the good things you’re doing, and gives you guidance and support to work on the initiatives you want to employ. The Sustainable Tourism Certification shows customers, employees, and fellow business owners that you are doing good things for the world, and have the credibility to prove it.